Star wars kotor 2 lightsaber
Star wars kotor 2 lightsaber

You can get a component from an NPC called Lootra if you reunite him with his wife.

star wars kotor 2 lightsaber

We’d suggest that you head to Nar Shadaa, because it gives you the quickest path to earning the parts you need to build your lightsaber. Where do you get parts for lightsaber in Star Wars? This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Please see the instructions page for reasons why this item might not work within STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™. This item is incompatible with STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™. Is the Sith Lords compatible with Knights of the Old Republic? Worth a purchase? Check out our Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 mobile review for our full thoughts. Depending on who you choose to help, you’ll get it from the Ithorians or Czerka after you’ve helped them deal with the Exchange. You’ll get your first lightsaber component at the end of the quest line on Talos. Where do you get a lightsaber in Knights of the Old Republic? The first lightsaber of Mara Jade, the former right hand of the Emperor and eventual wife of Luke Skywalker in the Legends material, had a magenta-colored blade. This color set seems to be the default for major female characters or for characters with a powerful force of personality. You have to stabilize Onderon or Dantooine to get it though. You can get the silver crystal by siding with geeda during the merchant war quest on Nar Shadda. Where do you get lightsaber crystals in Kotor 2? You also need a crystal to make your lightsaber. Defeat her and you’ll get the third component. Make sure you’re 25% dark side or light side, then head back to the Ebon Hawk. What parts do you need to build a lightsaber in Kotor 2?

Star wars kotor 2 lightsaber